Do your kids eat the same food as you??

Snow day Brunch for the kids! They need the extra carbs so they had hash browns, extra fruit and more protein. Fuel for them to play in the snow! :)

My brunch is a little different but not a totally different meal. I pulled out a smaller plate, didn’t add potatoes because those are too high in carbs. Instead I added peppers.

I get asked quite often if my kids eat the same foods as I do. Well they actually do, but they eat more because they are growing.

Let me take you through a typical day in our house of meals and snacks….

Breakfast for the boys: Protein shakes( look for this recipe to be shared in my newsletter very soon), along with eggs, toast, fruit. The girls will drink one of my Optavia Vanilla shakes with fruit and eggs. I usually have an egg, or one of my protein shakes.

Lunch most days are provided by the school. We don’t pack lunches here because we have tried to empower the kids to make wise decisions to fuel their body properly. (Plus I flagged all their accounts so the school doesn’t allow them to buy extra things like fruit snacks, hostess cakes, and other candies…shhh). I am eating one of our nutritionally dense fuelings, hey are quick and easy!

After school Snack This varies from day to day but I have options that are easy and the kids can grab and go because we are usually only home for no longer than 30 mins before we are off to the next practice. Some of those options are fruit, yogurt, bacon lettuce wrap, cream cheese and graham crackers, one of our nutrient dense optimal fuelings.

Dinner This meal is what we consider a “Lean and Green” meal. I share these meals weekly on my newsletter that goes out. Sooo make sure to sign up for that!

Evening snacks, I mean who doesn’t want to munch on something in the evening? I know I enjoy eating my brownie or cinnamon cake. (if you want to eat these too, and know they are something that will sustain your weight-loss or be healthy on our maintenance plan then click the contact button above. Now for my kiddos…..THEY EAT THE SAME THINGS!! <3 They just may add some cool whip on the brownie and some strawberries.

  • It’s time that we start teaching our kids how to FUEL their bodies. We want to them to learn these things as children so that when they grow to be adults they aren’t using food a a coping mechanism or a way to reward themselves. We want our children to have a healthy relationship with food. AND we want them to be able to teach their children this as well.

Health is a daily practice not a 30 day diet.

Day 5 of the Health Coach challenge!!


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